On June 30th in Scientology history
Shadow Boxing
June 30, 1996, Robert Wright, Slate Magazine
With EarthLink preparing for its first public stock offering, this is not good publicity. On the Net, the Church of Scientology is the antichrist. It slaps lawsuits on church critics who post quotes from copyrighted church documents, sometimes getting federal marshals to search homes and seize computer disks. There's no evidence that the church currently uses extralegal weapons against online criticspries into their e-mail, say. Still, among the desirable qualities of an Internet access providerthe company whose computers all your e-mail and cyberwanderings pass through"Church of Scientology affiliated" does not rank high.
Tags: Earthlink, Sky Dayton
Baring his soul a risky business for Cruise
June 30, 2005, Reuters, New Zealand Herald
In a testy exchange on the Today show, Cruise called psychiatry a "pseudo-science" and told co-host Matt Lauer: "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do."
Cruise's behaviour has ignited speculation he might damage his image and undermine the success of his movies.
Scientology Timeline - Important dates for Scientology
June 30, 2005, ABC News
The press vs. Scientology
June 30, 2005, Joe Strupp, Salon
For anyone interested in the Church of Scientology, the May 6, 1991, issue of Time magazine remains a milestone in news coverage. For those who back the church, it ran an outrageously biased account that eventually led to a libel suit by the church -- later dismissed -- and prompted Scientology leaders to launch a counterspin that continues today.
But for many who have long questioned the church, founded by the late L. Ron Hubbard and embraced by a string of Hollywood stars, that article represents one of the genuinely aggressive reports on the organization. And their concern is that what subsequently happened to Time -- and to other publications that tried to peek behind the church's cheerful exterior -- explains why few investigative reports on the church have followed.
Tags: Cult Awareness Network, Ed Parkin, Elli Perkins, Fair Game, Gordon
Melton, IRS, Lawrence Wollersheim, Richard Behar, Stephen Kent
War of words ignites over anti-depressant use
June 30, 2005,
Church of Scientology buys a bigger home in Nashville on Nashville City Paper
June 30, 2008, Richard Lawson, Nashville City Paper
Late last Thursday, the church purchased the Fall School Business Center along Eighth Avenue South for $6 million.
The property reportedly will become the new home of the church's Celebrity Centre Nashville, which currently sits in a small house along Music Row.
The Fall School site has roughly 36,000-square-feet of space.
Tags: Celebrity Centre, Nashville, Real estate
Historic nature of Fall School justifies $6 million price tag, Scientologists say
June 30, 2008, Nashville Business Journal
The Church of Scientology Religious Trust purchased the executive suit building at 1130 Eighth Ave. S. along with adjacent properties at 1112 and 1114 Eighth Ave. S. for $6 million from Fall School Associates June 26, according to records and the Davidson County Register of Deeds.
Tags: Celebrity Centre, Church of Scientology Religious Trust, Nashville,
Real estate
Scientology's Crushing Defeat
June 30, 2008, Tony Ortega, Village Voice
Even before it started, the 1986 trial of Lawrence Wollersheim v. the Church of Scientology of California caused a mob scene at L.A.'s downtown superior court.
When a judge decided during pretrial motions that documents describing confidential Scientology beliefs should be put in a file open to the public, 1,500 Scientologists swamped the court clerk's office to keep anyone else from requesting them. The next day, the judge resealed those records. But an L.A. Times reporter managed to get past the crush of Scientologists and copy the file. Newspapers around the country had a field day with what the Times reported: the documents showed that high-level Scientologists are taught that each human contains the souls of alien creatures banished to Earth 75 million years ago by a galactic overlord named Xenu.
Tags: Applied Scholastics, Celebrity Centre, Charles OReilly, Criminon, CSC,
CSI, Dan Leipold, David Chodos, David Miscavige, Donald Alexander, Earle
Cooley, E-meter, FACTNet, Fair Game, Ford Greene, Frank Oliver, Fred
Goldberg, Freewinds, GO, Heber Jentzsch, IRS, Jason Beghe, Joseph Yanny,
Judge Hess, Lawrence Wollersheim, Legal, Leta Schlosser, Linda Hight,
Narconon, Operation Snow White, OSA, OT III, Paul Streckfus, RICO, Robert
Vaughn Young, RTC, Sea Org, SLAPP, Stephen Kent, The Way to Happiness, Tory
Christman, Xenu
Web version:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Scientology Tax Fraud, Racketeering
On June 29th in Scientology history
Neither Side Blinks in a Lengthy Feud
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Over the past three decades, the IRS has revoked the tax-exempt status of various Scientology organizations, accusing them of operating in a commercial manner and of financially benefiting private individuals. From the late 1960s through mid-1970s, IRS agents classified Scientology as a "tax resister" and "subversive," a characterization later deemed improper by a judge.
In 1984, the IRS's Los Angeles office launched a far-ranging criminal investigation into allegations by high-level Scientology defectors that the movement's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, had skimmed millions of dollars from the church.
Tags: Coalition of IRS Whistle-blowers, Fred Goldberg, IRS, L. Ron Hubbard,
Lisa Lashaway, Paul DesFosses
On the Offensive Against an Array of Suspected Foes
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Ministers mingle with private detectives. "Sacred scriptures" counsel the virtues of combativeness. Parishioners double as paralegals for litigious church attorneys.
Consider the passage that a prominent Scientology minister selected from the religion's scriptures, authored by the late L. Ron Hubbard, to inspire the faithful during a gala church event.
"People attack Scientology," the minister quoted Hubbard as saying. "I never forget it; always even the score."
The crowd cheered.
Tags: Al Bei, Charles O'Reilly, Charles Stapleton, David Mayo, Earle Cooley,
Eugene Ingram, Fair Game, Foster Report, Guardian Office, Joseph Yanny, Judge
Richey, Justice Johnson, Lawrence Wollersheim, Leta Schlosser, Louis Jolyon
West, Narconon, Office of Special Affairs, Philip Rodriguez, Richard Bast,
Russell Miller, Spain
Suits, Protests Fuel a Campaign Against Psychiatry
June 29, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
The uproar over Ritalin was triggered almost single-handedly by the Scientology movement.
Tags: CCHR, FDA, Ritalin
When the Doctrine Leaves the Church
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
The Church of Scientology hates "squirrels."
That is the scornful word L. Ron Hubbard used to describe non-church members who offer his teachings, sometimes at cut-rate prices. Most are ex-Scientologists who say they believe in Hubbard's gospel but left the church because its hierarchy was too oppressive.
"We call them squirrels," Hubbard once wrote, "because they are so nutty."
Tags: CADA, Fair Game, Squirrels
Inside Scientology
June 29, 2005, Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper 3600, CNN
And in this half-hour, we're trying to get at the facts about Scientologist's critique of psychiatry and antidepressant medication.
Joining me from Los Angeles, in a 360 exclusive interview, is Bruce Wiseman, a 35-year member of Scientology and U.S. national president of its Citizen Commission on Human Rights, a Scientologist group dedicating to fighting, what it calls, psychiatric violations of human rights. [Transcript]
Tags: APA, Bruce Wiseman, CCHR, Detox, Ed Parkin, Jessica Rodriguez, John
Travolta, Katie Holmes, Matt Lauer, Pat Kingsley, Purif, Rick Ross, Tom Cruise
Shrinks fight back against Cruise missile
June 29, 2005, Reuters, New Zealand Herald
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has sharply criticised actor Tom Cruise for televised remarks in which he called psychiatry a "pseudo science" and disputed the value of anti-depressant drugs.
"It is irresponsible for Mr Cruise to use his movie publicity tour to promote his own ideological views and deter people with mental illness from getting the care they need," APA President Dr Steven Sharfstein said in a statement.
Tags: American Psychiatric Association, Brooke Shields, Matt Lauer, Tom Cruise
Web version:
Neither Side Blinks in a Lengthy Feud
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Over the past three decades, the IRS has revoked the tax-exempt status of various Scientology organizations, accusing them of operating in a commercial manner and of financially benefiting private individuals. From the late 1960s through mid-1970s, IRS agents classified Scientology as a "tax resister" and "subversive," a characterization later deemed improper by a judge.
In 1984, the IRS's Los Angeles office launched a far-ranging criminal investigation into allegations by high-level Scientology defectors that the movement's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, had skimmed millions of dollars from the church.
Tags: Coalition of IRS Whistle-blowers, Fred Goldberg, IRS, L. Ron Hubbard,
Lisa Lashaway, Paul DesFosses
On the Offensive Against an Array of Suspected Foes
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Ministers mingle with private detectives. "Sacred scriptures" counsel the virtues of combativeness. Parishioners double as paralegals for litigious church attorneys.
Consider the passage that a prominent Scientology minister selected from the religion's scriptures, authored by the late L. Ron Hubbard, to inspire the faithful during a gala church event.
"People attack Scientology," the minister quoted Hubbard as saying. "I never forget it; always even the score."
The crowd cheered.
Tags: Al Bei, Charles O'Reilly, Charles Stapleton, David Mayo, Earle Cooley,
Eugene Ingram, Fair Game, Foster Report, Guardian Office, Joseph Yanny, Judge
Richey, Justice Johnson, Lawrence Wollersheim, Leta Schlosser, Louis Jolyon
West, Narconon, Office of Special Affairs, Philip Rodriguez, Richard Bast,
Russell Miller, Spain
Suits, Protests Fuel a Campaign Against Psychiatry
June 29, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
The uproar over Ritalin was triggered almost single-handedly by the Scientology movement.
Tags: CCHR, FDA, Ritalin
When the Doctrine Leaves the Church
June 29, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
The Church of Scientology hates "squirrels."
That is the scornful word L. Ron Hubbard used to describe non-church members who offer his teachings, sometimes at cut-rate prices. Most are ex-Scientologists who say they believe in Hubbard's gospel but left the church because its hierarchy was too oppressive.
"We call them squirrels," Hubbard once wrote, "because they are so nutty."
Tags: CADA, Fair Game, Squirrels
Inside Scientology
June 29, 2005, Anderson Cooper, Anderson Cooper 3600, CNN
And in this half-hour, we're trying to get at the facts about Scientologist's critique of psychiatry and antidepressant medication.
Joining me from Los Angeles, in a 360 exclusive interview, is Bruce Wiseman, a 35-year member of Scientology and U.S. national president of its Citizen Commission on Human Rights, a Scientologist group dedicating to fighting, what it calls, psychiatric violations of human rights. [Transcript]
Tags: APA, Bruce Wiseman, CCHR, Detox, Ed Parkin, Jessica Rodriguez, John
Travolta, Katie Holmes, Matt Lauer, Pat Kingsley, Purif, Rick Ross, Tom Cruise
Shrinks fight back against Cruise missile
June 29, 2005, Reuters, New Zealand Herald
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has sharply criticised actor Tom Cruise for televised remarks in which he called psychiatry a "pseudo science" and disputed the value of anti-depressant drugs.
"It is irresponsible for Mr Cruise to use his movie publicity tour to promote his own ideological views and deter people with mental illness from getting the care they need," APA President Dr Steven Sharfstein said in a statement.
Tags: American Psychiatric Association, Brooke Shields, Matt Lauer, Tom Cruise
Web version:
organized crime,
quack medical fraud,
tax fraud,
Tom Cruise
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Scientology Quack Medical Frauds
On June 28th in Scientology history
Costly Strategy Continues to Turn Out Bestsellers
June 28, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
In some cases, sales of Hubbard's books apparently got an extra boost from Scientology followers and employees of the publishing firm. Showing up at major book outlets like B. Dalton and Waldenbooks, they purchased armloads of Hubbard's works, according to former employees.
Tags: Bridge Publications, Corinda Carford, Dianetics, Earle Cooley, L. Ron
Hubbard, Mike Gonzales, Tom Fudge
Missionary Man: Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology
June 28, 2005, James Verini, Salon.com, Spiegel Online
Before they're allowed to continue on to OT, a rigorous screening process and background check are conducted, according to Melton and others. Reaching the highest OT levels usually takes from a decade to three decades, the current and former Scientologists say. Lower estimates for the total cost of this are around $30,000, but some people claim to have spent several hundred thousand dollars. The current Scientology member tells Salon he pays several thousand dollars a year for the services.
Tags: Bridge Publications, Gordon Melton, Narconon, Nazi labelling, OT,
Stephen Kent, Tom Cruise
Stranger than fiction
June 28, 2005, Laura Miller, Salon
The first thing you notice about "Dianetics" is that it is spectacularly dull. L. Ron Hubbard promises, in this seemingly endless treatise, that his "modern science of mental health" will cure everything from schizophrenia to arthritis, claims for which he presents no credible evidence whatsoever -- unless you consider merely insisting that you"ve got evidence to be the same thing as offering it. But I am here to testify that "Dianetics" is a phenomenal remedy for at least one widespread affliction: insomnia.
Costly Strategy Continues to Turn Out Bestsellers
June 28, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
In some cases, sales of Hubbard's books apparently got an extra boost from Scientology followers and employees of the publishing firm. Showing up at major book outlets like B. Dalton and Waldenbooks, they purchased armloads of Hubbard's works, according to former employees.
Tags: Bridge Publications, Corinda Carford, Dianetics, Earle Cooley, L. Ron
Hubbard, Mike Gonzales, Tom Fudge
Missionary Man: Tom Cruise and the Church of Scientology
June 28, 2005, James Verini, Salon.com, Spiegel Online
Before they're allowed to continue on to OT, a rigorous screening process and background check are conducted, according to Melton and others. Reaching the highest OT levels usually takes from a decade to three decades, the current and former Scientologists say. Lower estimates for the total cost of this are around $30,000, but some people claim to have spent several hundred thousand dollars. The current Scientology member tells Salon he pays several thousand dollars a year for the services.
Tags: Bridge Publications, Gordon Melton, Narconon, Nazi labelling, OT,
Stephen Kent, Tom Cruise
Stranger than fiction
June 28, 2005, Laura Miller, Salon
The first thing you notice about "Dianetics" is that it is spectacularly dull. L. Ron Hubbard promises, in this seemingly endless treatise, that his "modern science of mental health" will cure everything from schizophrenia to arthritis, claims for which he presents no credible evidence whatsoever -- unless you consider merely insisting that you"ve got evidence to be the same thing as offering it. But I am here to testify that "Dianetics" is a phenomenal remedy for at least one widespread affliction: insomnia.
organized crime,
quack medical fraud,
Tom Cruise
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Working To Stop Scientology Racketeering, Human Rights Abuses
On June 27th in Scientology history
Church Seeks Influence in Schools, Business, Science
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Today, Scientology executives insist that the organization is law-abiding, that the offenders have been purged and that the church has now entered an era in which harmony has replaced hostility.
But as the movement attempts to broaden its reach, evidence is mounting that Hubbard's devotees are engaging in practices that, while not unlawful, have begun to stir memories of its troubled past.
Tags: Applied Scholastics, Barbara Ayash, Bill Franks, CBAA, Detox, FASE,
Gerald Lionelli, HealthMed, Jack Dirmann, Singer Consultants, Sterling
Management, The Way to Happiness, William Marcus, WISE
Courting the Power Brokers
June 27, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
"We need to be able to approach the right people in order to get things done," wrote Heber Jentzsch, president of the Church of Scientology International, in the newspaper Scientology Today. "We need to to find out how to reach key people in the media, in government, in the control points of society, the people who run things."
Tags: Heber Jentzsch, Religious Freedom Crusade
Foundation Funds Provide Assist to Celebrated Teacher Escalante
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
The Scientology movement's Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education has befriended one of America's most celebrated teachers, Jaime Escalante of Garfield High School.
Escalante is the East Los Angeles teacher profiled in the hit 1988 film "Stand and Deliver," which chronicled his success in teaching advanced calculus to barrio students.
Tags: FASE
Scientology's Catholic Guilt
June 27, 2005, Fresh Intelligence, Radar Online
Before Katie Holmes" devoutly Catholic parents officially sign their daughter over to the Church of Scientology, they might want to get in touch with Philip J. Spickler. One of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's original disciples, Spickler is the father of Mimi Rogers, Tom Cruise's first wife and the person responsible for recruiting him into the cult in the mid-"80s.
Tom Cruise discusses psychiatry, Scientology
June 27, 2005, Arts, CBC News
In that story, the magazine asked Cruise who helped set up a tent staffed by Scientology ministers on the War of the Worlds set if he sees it as his job to recruit followers for Scientology.
"I'm a helper," he replied. "For instance, I myself have helped hundreds of people get off drugs. In Scientology, we have the only successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. It's called Narconon."
"That's not correct," the interviewer responded. "Yours is never mentioned among the recognized detox programs. Independent experts warn against it because it is rooted in pseudo science."
"You don't understand what I am saying. It's a statistically proven fact that there is only one successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. Period," Cruise said.
Tags: Narconon, Tom Cruise
Germany 1, Scientology 0
June 27, 2007, Emine Saner, The Guardian
The German government has banned the makers of a film about a failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler from shooting in the country because its lead is Tom Cruise. And Cruise, as he has ensured everyone knows, is a Scientologist. "[The ban] is a good thing," says Antje Blumenthal, a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician who has campaigned against Scientology in Germany. "I don't like that whenever Tom Cruise is written about, it always says he is a Scientologist. I am concerned it could encourage young people to join."
Tags: Antje Blumenthal, Chick Corea, Germany, Tom Cruise, Ursula Caberta,
Church of Scientology buys Falls School Business Center
June 27, 2008, Nashville Business Journal
The Church of Scientology Religious Trust has bought the Fall School Business Center on 8th Avenue.
The Scientology trust purchased the executive suit building at 1130 8th Ave. S. along with adjacent properties at 1112 and 1114 8th Ave. S. for $6 million from Fall School Associates June 26, according to records and the Davidson County Register of Deeds.
Tags: Nashville, Real estate
Web version:
Church Seeks Influence in Schools, Business, Science
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Today, Scientology executives insist that the organization is law-abiding, that the offenders have been purged and that the church has now entered an era in which harmony has replaced hostility.
But as the movement attempts to broaden its reach, evidence is mounting that Hubbard's devotees are engaging in practices that, while not unlawful, have begun to stir memories of its troubled past.
Tags: Applied Scholastics, Barbara Ayash, Bill Franks, CBAA, Detox, FASE,
Gerald Lionelli, HealthMed, Jack Dirmann, Singer Consultants, Sterling
Management, The Way to Happiness, William Marcus, WISE
Courting the Power Brokers
June 27, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
"We need to be able to approach the right people in order to get things done," wrote Heber Jentzsch, president of the Church of Scientology International, in the newspaper Scientology Today. "We need to to find out how to reach key people in the media, in government, in the control points of society, the people who run things."
Tags: Heber Jentzsch, Religious Freedom Crusade
Foundation Funds Provide Assist to Celebrated Teacher Escalante
June 27, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
The Scientology movement's Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education has befriended one of America's most celebrated teachers, Jaime Escalante of Garfield High School.
Escalante is the East Los Angeles teacher profiled in the hit 1988 film "Stand and Deliver," which chronicled his success in teaching advanced calculus to barrio students.
Tags: FASE
Scientology's Catholic Guilt
June 27, 2005, Fresh Intelligence, Radar Online
Before Katie Holmes" devoutly Catholic parents officially sign their daughter over to the Church of Scientology, they might want to get in touch with Philip J. Spickler. One of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's original disciples, Spickler is the father of Mimi Rogers, Tom Cruise's first wife and the person responsible for recruiting him into the cult in the mid-"80s.
Tom Cruise discusses psychiatry, Scientology
June 27, 2005, Arts, CBC News
In that story, the magazine asked Cruise who helped set up a tent staffed by Scientology ministers on the War of the Worlds set if he sees it as his job to recruit followers for Scientology.
"I'm a helper," he replied. "For instance, I myself have helped hundreds of people get off drugs. In Scientology, we have the only successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. It's called Narconon."
"That's not correct," the interviewer responded. "Yours is never mentioned among the recognized detox programs. Independent experts warn against it because it is rooted in pseudo science."
"You don't understand what I am saying. It's a statistically proven fact that there is only one successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. Period," Cruise said.
Tags: Narconon, Tom Cruise
Germany 1, Scientology 0
June 27, 2007, Emine Saner, The Guardian
The German government has banned the makers of a film about a failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler from shooting in the country because its lead is Tom Cruise. And Cruise, as he has ensured everyone knows, is a Scientologist. "[The ban] is a good thing," says Antje Blumenthal, a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician who has campaigned against Scientology in Germany. "I don't like that whenever Tom Cruise is written about, it always says he is a Scientologist. I am concerned it could encourage young people to join."
Tags: Antje Blumenthal, Chick Corea, Germany, Tom Cruise, Ursula Caberta,
Church of Scientology buys Falls School Business Center
June 27, 2008, Nashville Business Journal
The Church of Scientology Religious Trust has bought the Fall School Business Center on 8th Avenue.
The Scientology trust purchased the executive suit building at 1130 8th Ave. S. along with adjacent properties at 1112 and 1114 8th Ave. S. for $6 million from Fall School Associates June 26, according to records and the Davidson County Register of Deeds.
Tags: Nashville, Real estate
Web version:
human rights,
organized crime,
Friday, June 26, 2009
Top Defectors Escape Scientology Crime Syndicate
On June 26th in Scientology history
Defectors Recount Lives of Hard Work, Punishment
June 26, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Scientology, she said, "promises you euphoria but ends up taking your body, heart, mind, soul and family. . . . We were so brainwashed to believe that what we were doing was good for mankind that we were willing to put up with the worst conditions."
Over the years, defecting Scientologists have come forward with similar accounts of how their lives and personalities were upended after they joined the church's huge staff. They say the organization promised spiritual liberation but delivered subjugation.
In interviews and public records, former staffers have said they were alienated from society, stripped of familiar beliefs, punished for aberrant behavior, rewarded for conformity and worked beyond exhaustion to meet ever-escalating productivity quotas.
Tags: Bill Franks, E-meter, Hana Whitfield, Ken Hoden, Laurel Sullivan, RPF,
Sea Org, Wogs
Scientology Profits from Some Big Business
June 26, 2007, Fox News, CBN News
Boingo Wireless is designed to make Wi-Fi easy internationally and put billions of dollars into Scientology coffers.
Dayton co-founded EarthLink with Reed Slatkin, who eventually went to jail as the creator of the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.
Why Germany Hates Tom Cruise
June 26, 2007, Andrew Purvis, TIME Magazine
The German authorities have had a long history of run-ins with the Church of Scientology, which they accuse of masquerading as a church in order to make money a charge the group vehemently rejects. Germany, along with several other European countries, has aggressive laws targeting groups that they deem to be cults.
Web version:
Defectors Recount Lives of Hard Work, Punishment
June 26, 1990, Robert W. Welkos, Los Angeles Times
Scientology, she said, "promises you euphoria but ends up taking your body, heart, mind, soul and family. . . . We were so brainwashed to believe that what we were doing was good for mankind that we were willing to put up with the worst conditions."
Over the years, defecting Scientologists have come forward with similar accounts of how their lives and personalities were upended after they joined the church's huge staff. They say the organization promised spiritual liberation but delivered subjugation.
In interviews and public records, former staffers have said they were alienated from society, stripped of familiar beliefs, punished for aberrant behavior, rewarded for conformity and worked beyond exhaustion to meet ever-escalating productivity quotas.
Tags: Bill Franks, E-meter, Hana Whitfield, Ken Hoden, Laurel Sullivan, RPF,
Sea Org, Wogs
Scientology Profits from Some Big Business
June 26, 2007, Fox News, CBN News
Boingo Wireless is designed to make Wi-Fi easy internationally and put billions of dollars into Scientology coffers.
Dayton co-founded EarthLink with Reed Slatkin, who eventually went to jail as the creator of the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history.
Why Germany Hates Tom Cruise
June 26, 2007, Andrew Purvis, TIME Magazine
The German authorities have had a long history of run-ins with the Church of Scientology, which they accuse of masquerading as a church in order to make money a charge the group vehemently rejects. Germany, along with several other European countries, has aggressive laws targeting groups that they deem to be cults.
Web version:
human rights,
organized crime,
Tom Cruise
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Scientology Ringleader L. Ron Hubbard's Many Wives
On June 25th in Scientology history
June 25, 1951, TIME Magazine
Divorced. Sara Northrup Hubbard, 25; by L. Ron (Dianetics) Hubbard, 40, science fictioneer turned mental healer; after five years of marriage, one daughter; in Wichita, Kans.
Tags: Divorce, L. Ron Hubbard, Sara Northrup
Church Markets Its Gospel With High-Pressure Sales
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
The organization uses sophisticated sales tactics to sell a seemingly endless progression of expensive courses, each serving as a prerequisite for the next. Known collectively as "The Bridge," the courses promise salvation, higher intelligence, superhuman powers and even possible survival from nuclear fallout -- for those who can pay.
Tags: Andrew Lesco, Body routing, Canada, Donna Day, Earle Cooley, Joanne
Wheaton, L. Ron Hubbard, Lawrence Wollersheim, Les Dane, Marie Culloden,
Roger Barnes, Sheri Scott
Shoring Up Its Religious Profile
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
Joseph Yanny, a Los Angeles attorney who represented the church until he had a bitter falling out with the group in 1987, said Scientology portrays itself as a religion only where it is expedient to do so -- such as in the U.S., where tax laws favor religious organizations.
Tags: Canada, FDA, IRS, Joseph Yanny, Legal, SCOTUS, Toronto
The Courting of Celebrities
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
As far back as 1955, Hubbard recognized the value of famous people to his fledgling, off-beat church when he inaugurated "Project Celebrity." According to Hubbard, Scientologists should target prominent individuals as their "quarry" and bring them back like trophies for Scientology.
Tags: ASI, Celebrity Centre, John Brodie, Narconon
DIY rubbish collectors help council clean up area
June 25, 2003, icSurreyOnline
The clean-up operation was organised by the East Grinstead Scientology Volunteer Minister Group, assisted by residents and town clerk Chris Rolley, who made several journeys to the tip to dispose of the rubbish.
Tags: East Grinstead, Volunteer Ministers
A Couch Tom Cruise Won't Jump On
June 25, 2005, Richard Leiby, Washington Post
Okay, should we address him as Dr. Tom Cruise from now on? Or will the Rev. Dr. Cruise suffice?
Whatever: Anybody who watched the actor's performance on NBC's "Today" show yesterday witnessed an unsettling transformation. The movie star, who has long embraced Scientology, launched a full-bore assault on the psychiatric profession, sticking to a script that his church (founded, mind you, by a hack science fiction writer) has been promoting for decades.
Tom Cruise: 'It's just a great time in my life'
June 25, 2005, Matt Lauer, Today, MSNBC
The past few weeks have been full of excitement for Tom Cruise. Today host Matt Lauer sat down with the actor and talked about his new love, his new movie, War of the Worlds, and the recent firestorm he caused when he commented on Brooke Shield's use of therapy and drugs to cure her postpartum depression. [Transcript]
Church spokesman says Times report is unfair
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
When the Times told officials at the Church of Scientology in Clearwater about plans to write a story about its suppressive person and disconnection policies, Scientology spokesman Ben Shaw aggressively sought to refute the story and persuade the newspaper not to tell it.
SP profiles
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
Pressley left Scientology in 1998 and refused to come back for sec checks. She has publicly denounced "substandard" child care at church facilities around the world and criticized the church for the "condition of poverty" that staffers lived in. After she left the church, her husband "faithfully applied the rule (of disconnection)," she said.
She calls the suppressive person declare "a form of psychological terrorism. It obliterates families. ... People who leave are afraid to talk about Scientology."
Tags: Ben Shaw, Disconnection, Ed Armstrong, Golden Era Productions, Grace
Aaron, Karen Pressley, Patter drill, Peter Schless, Sec Check, Suppressive
Person, Tom Smith
The unperson
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
But SPs who have felt the sting and other church critics say the suppressive person policy is a sledgehammer to keep marginal members in line - and in the flock.
Whatever Scientology's motivation, its suppressive person policy results in wrenching pain, say a dozen SPs interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times.
Some have gone years without seeing or talking with sons, daughters, mothers, fathers - all of whom abide by Scientology's no-contact requirement.
Tags: Astra Woodcraft, Ben Shaw, Caroline Brown, Clearwater, Committee of
Evidence, Creed Pearson, Disconnection, Fair Game, Frank Flinn, Freeloader's
Bill, Gordon Melton, Kathy Feshbach, Knowledge Report, Newton Maloney, Randy
Payne, Sea Org, Sec Check, Suppressive Person, Wog
Web version:
June 25, 1951, TIME Magazine
Divorced. Sara Northrup Hubbard, 25; by L. Ron (Dianetics) Hubbard, 40, science fictioneer turned mental healer; after five years of marriage, one daughter; in Wichita, Kans.
Tags: Divorce, L. Ron Hubbard, Sara Northrup
Church Markets Its Gospel With High-Pressure Sales
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
The organization uses sophisticated sales tactics to sell a seemingly endless progression of expensive courses, each serving as a prerequisite for the next. Known collectively as "The Bridge," the courses promise salvation, higher intelligence, superhuman powers and even possible survival from nuclear fallout -- for those who can pay.
Tags: Andrew Lesco, Body routing, Canada, Donna Day, Earle Cooley, Joanne
Wheaton, L. Ron Hubbard, Lawrence Wollersheim, Les Dane, Marie Culloden,
Roger Barnes, Sheri Scott
Shoring Up Its Religious Profile
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
Joseph Yanny, a Los Angeles attorney who represented the church until he had a bitter falling out with the group in 1987, said Scientology portrays itself as a religion only where it is expedient to do so -- such as in the U.S., where tax laws favor religious organizations.
Tags: Canada, FDA, IRS, Joseph Yanny, Legal, SCOTUS, Toronto
The Courting of Celebrities
June 25, 1990, Joel Sappell, Los Angeles Times
As far back as 1955, Hubbard recognized the value of famous people to his fledgling, off-beat church when he inaugurated "Project Celebrity." According to Hubbard, Scientologists should target prominent individuals as their "quarry" and bring them back like trophies for Scientology.
Tags: ASI, Celebrity Centre, John Brodie, Narconon
DIY rubbish collectors help council clean up area
June 25, 2003, icSurreyOnline
The clean-up operation was organised by the East Grinstead Scientology Volunteer Minister Group, assisted by residents and town clerk Chris Rolley, who made several journeys to the tip to dispose of the rubbish.
Tags: East Grinstead, Volunteer Ministers
A Couch Tom Cruise Won't Jump On
June 25, 2005, Richard Leiby, Washington Post
Okay, should we address him as Dr. Tom Cruise from now on? Or will the Rev. Dr. Cruise suffice?
Whatever: Anybody who watched the actor's performance on NBC's "Today" show yesterday witnessed an unsettling transformation. The movie star, who has long embraced Scientology, launched a full-bore assault on the psychiatric profession, sticking to a script that his church (founded, mind you, by a hack science fiction writer) has been promoting for decades.
Tom Cruise: 'It's just a great time in my life'
June 25, 2005, Matt Lauer, Today, MSNBC
The past few weeks have been full of excitement for Tom Cruise. Today host Matt Lauer sat down with the actor and talked about his new love, his new movie, War of the Worlds, and the recent firestorm he caused when he commented on Brooke Shield's use of therapy and drugs to cure her postpartum depression. [Transcript]
Church spokesman says Times report is unfair
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
When the Times told officials at the Church of Scientology in Clearwater about plans to write a story about its suppressive person and disconnection policies, Scientology spokesman Ben Shaw aggressively sought to refute the story and persuade the newspaper not to tell it.
SP profiles
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
Pressley left Scientology in 1998 and refused to come back for sec checks. She has publicly denounced "substandard" child care at church facilities around the world and criticized the church for the "condition of poverty" that staffers lived in. After she left the church, her husband "faithfully applied the rule (of disconnection)," she said.
She calls the suppressive person declare "a form of psychological terrorism. It obliterates families. ... People who leave are afraid to talk about Scientology."
Tags: Ben Shaw, Disconnection, Ed Armstrong, Golden Era Productions, Grace
Aaron, Karen Pressley, Patter drill, Peter Schless, Sec Check, Suppressive
Person, Tom Smith
The unperson
June 25, 2006, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
But SPs who have felt the sting and other church critics say the suppressive person policy is a sledgehammer to keep marginal members in line - and in the flock.
Whatever Scientology's motivation, its suppressive person policy results in wrenching pain, say a dozen SPs interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times.
Some have gone years without seeing or talking with sons, daughters, mothers, fathers - all of whom abide by Scientology's no-contact requirement.
Tags: Astra Woodcraft, Ben Shaw, Caroline Brown, Clearwater, Committee of
Evidence, Creed Pearson, Disconnection, Fair Game, Frank Flinn, Freeloader's
Bill, Gordon Melton, Kathy Feshbach, Knowledge Report, Newton Maloney, Randy
Payne, Sea Org, Sec Check, Suppressive Person, Wog
Web version:
organized crime,
quack medical fraud,
Tom Cruise
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Scientology Ringleaders Violate Human Rights
On June 23rd in Scientology history
Able medical examiner needed
June 23, 2000, Editorial, St. Petersburg Times
She first dramatized her importance by appearing on the TV show Inside Edition. Yet when medical professionals hired by Scientology expressed opposing views, Wood changed significant details on the autopsy, which forced prosecutors to drop the charges. A state attorney memo said Wood was unable "to coherently explain her decision even under benign questioning."
Church attacks new French anti-cult law
June 23, 2000, Jon Henley, The Guardian
The French parliament yesterday adopted Europe's toughest anti-sect legislation yet, creating a controversial new crime of "mental manipulation" punishable by a maximum fine of #50,000 and five years imprisonment.
The move was applauded by Alain Vivien, head of a government committee that has identified 173 dangerous quasi-religious groups in France, but was denounced by both the Church of Scientology and the Unification Church as fascist, anti-democratic and in breach of basic human rights laws.
Tags: France
Backers defend anti-drug program / School board is told the science is sound
June 23, 2004, Heather Knight, San Francisco Chronicle
But after stories in The Chronicle raised questions about the science behind the teachings and the presence of religious concepts in classroom lectures, school district officials ordered the program to revise part of its curriculum by this Thursday or be kicked out of the district.
Specifically, the district has disputed three Narconon claims: that all drugs are poisons, that drugs are stored in fat for years and may cause cravings for more drugs, and that alcohol is "made of dead rotted food." In addition, The Chronicle stories cited several doctors who disputed the Narconon claims that drugs wreak havoc until they are sweated out.
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, Greg Hooper, Narconon, Pam Parker, San Francisco, Tony
L.A. schools look hard at Narconon / Scrutiny follows S.F., state review of anti-drug program
June 23, 2004, Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle
School district officials in Los Angeles have ordered a review of an anti-drug program whose teachings are linked with the Church of Scientology and are warning teachers that its instruction "is not based on science."
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, Clark Carr, Detox, Jack O'Connell, Los Angeles,
Narconon, Purif, San Francisco, Tim Buresh
The results behind Narconon's 'Truth About Drugs' program
June 23, 2004, Clark Carr, Open Forum, San Francisco Chronicle
Clark Carr is president of Narconon International (www.narconon.org).
Tags: Narconon
U.S. Lawmakers Fete Rev. Moon, Church Leader Gets Crown At Congressional Reception
June 23, 2004, CBS/AP, CBS News
Some of the lawmakers later said they were duped when questioned about their presence at the event held at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on March 23.
The Washington Post reported that Moon received a crown that was placed on his head. The crown was carried on a pillow by Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., who wore white gloves, the newspaper said. [Details of the reception were first reported by Salon.com.]
Tags: Moonies
Cruise squirter off the hook | Media | MediaGuardian
June 23, 2005, Chris Johnston, MediaGuardian
The Channel 4 camera crew arrested after squirting Tom Cruise with a water pistol will not face charges.
The actor has decided not to prosecute the prankster and his three crew members after the incident at the London premiere of War of the Worlds on Sunday.
'Church' that yearns for respectability
June 23, 2007, Dominic Kennedy, The Times
Scientology is trying to transform its image from that of a shadowy cult
A copy of the latest Cosreci accounts filed at Companies House shows an annual income of #10 million and nonproperty assets of #10.8 million including #6.7 million cash. The main Hubbard-influenced charity is Narconon, which claims to provide therapy and education against drug abuse. It has an annual income of #520,000. The Greenfields School, which promotes Hubbard's teachings for pupils aged 1 to 19, has #2.4 million assets and an annual turnover of #1 million.
Tags: Australia, Bob Keenan, Celebrity Centre, Church of Spiritual
Technology, David Miscavige, East Grinstead, Monique Yingling, Narconon, Real
estate, RTC, UK, WISE
Scientologists set to cash in on tax break
June 23, 2007, Dominic Kennedy, The Times
A change in the legal definition of religion has opened the way for Scientology to claim a multi-million-pound British tax break by registering as a charity.
Tags: Bob Keenan, Monique Yingling, UK, UK Charity Commission
Scientology: Ecclesiastical justice, Part 3 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology
June 23, 2009, Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times
The tactics to keep executives in line "are wrong from a Scientology viewpoint," said Rinder, who walked away two years ago. "They are not standard practice of Scientology. They are just not humanitarian. And they are just outright evil."
Church spokesmen confirm that managers are ordered into pools and assembled for group confessions. It's part of the "ecclesiastical justice" system the church imposes on poor performers.
Tags: [Monique, Amy Scobee, Apollo, Bohemian Rhapsody, David Miscavige, Faith
Schermerhorn, Jeff Hawkins, Jessica Feshbach, Lisa McPherson, Marc Yager,
Mark Ingber, Mark Rathbun, Michelle Miscavige, Mike Rinder, Norman Starkey,
Overboarding, Ray Mithoff, Sea Org, Super Power, Tom De Vocht, Tommy Davis,
Web version:
Able medical examiner needed
June 23, 2000, Editorial, St. Petersburg Times
She first dramatized her importance by appearing on the TV show Inside Edition. Yet when medical professionals hired by Scientology expressed opposing views, Wood changed significant details on the autopsy, which forced prosecutors to drop the charges. A state attorney memo said Wood was unable "to coherently explain her decision even under benign questioning."
Church attacks new French anti-cult law
June 23, 2000, Jon Henley, The Guardian
The French parliament yesterday adopted Europe's toughest anti-sect legislation yet, creating a controversial new crime of "mental manipulation" punishable by a maximum fine of #50,000 and five years imprisonment.
The move was applauded by Alain Vivien, head of a government committee that has identified 173 dangerous quasi-religious groups in France, but was denounced by both the Church of Scientology and the Unification Church as fascist, anti-democratic and in breach of basic human rights laws.
Tags: France
Backers defend anti-drug program / School board is told the science is sound
June 23, 2004, Heather Knight, San Francisco Chronicle
But after stories in The Chronicle raised questions about the science behind the teachings and the presence of religious concepts in classroom lectures, school district officials ordered the program to revise part of its curriculum by this Thursday or be kicked out of the district.
Specifically, the district has disputed three Narconon claims: that all drugs are poisons, that drugs are stored in fat for years and may cause cravings for more drugs, and that alcohol is "made of dead rotted food." In addition, The Chronicle stories cited several doctors who disputed the Narconon claims that drugs wreak havoc until they are sweated out.
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, Greg Hooper, Narconon, Pam Parker, San Francisco, Tony
L.A. schools look hard at Narconon / Scrutiny follows S.F., state review of anti-drug program
June 23, 2004, Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle
School district officials in Los Angeles have ordered a review of an anti-drug program whose teachings are linked with the Church of Scientology and are warning teachers that its instruction "is not based on science."
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, Clark Carr, Detox, Jack O'Connell, Los Angeles,
Narconon, Purif, San Francisco, Tim Buresh
The results behind Narconon's 'Truth About Drugs' program
June 23, 2004, Clark Carr, Open Forum, San Francisco Chronicle
Clark Carr is president of Narconon International (www.narconon.org).
Tags: Narconon
U.S. Lawmakers Fete Rev. Moon, Church Leader Gets Crown At Congressional Reception
June 23, 2004, CBS/AP, CBS News
Some of the lawmakers later said they were duped when questioned about their presence at the event held at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on March 23.
The Washington Post reported that Moon received a crown that was placed on his head. The crown was carried on a pillow by Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill., who wore white gloves, the newspaper said. [Details of the reception were first reported by Salon.com.]
Tags: Moonies
Cruise squirter off the hook | Media | MediaGuardian
June 23, 2005, Chris Johnston, MediaGuardian
The Channel 4 camera crew arrested after squirting Tom Cruise with a water pistol will not face charges.
The actor has decided not to prosecute the prankster and his three crew members after the incident at the London premiere of War of the Worlds on Sunday.
'Church' that yearns for respectability
June 23, 2007, Dominic Kennedy, The Times
Scientology is trying to transform its image from that of a shadowy cult
A copy of the latest Cosreci accounts filed at Companies House shows an annual income of #10 million and nonproperty assets of #10.8 million including #6.7 million cash. The main Hubbard-influenced charity is Narconon, which claims to provide therapy and education against drug abuse. It has an annual income of #520,000. The Greenfields School, which promotes Hubbard's teachings for pupils aged 1 to 19, has #2.4 million assets and an annual turnover of #1 million.
Tags: Australia, Bob Keenan, Celebrity Centre, Church of Spiritual
Technology, David Miscavige, East Grinstead, Monique Yingling, Narconon, Real
estate, RTC, UK, WISE
Scientologists set to cash in on tax break
June 23, 2007, Dominic Kennedy, The Times
A change in the legal definition of religion has opened the way for Scientology to claim a multi-million-pound British tax break by registering as a charity.
Tags: Bob Keenan, Monique Yingling, UK, UK Charity Commission
Scientology: Ecclesiastical justice, Part 3 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology
June 23, 2009, Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times
The tactics to keep executives in line "are wrong from a Scientology viewpoint," said Rinder, who walked away two years ago. "They are not standard practice of Scientology. They are just not humanitarian. And they are just outright evil."
Church spokesmen confirm that managers are ordered into pools and assembled for group confessions. It's part of the "ecclesiastical justice" system the church imposes on poor performers.
Tags: [Monique, Amy Scobee, Apollo, Bohemian Rhapsody, David Miscavige, Faith
Schermerhorn, Jeff Hawkins, Jessica Feshbach, Lisa McPherson, Marc Yager,
Mark Ingber, Mark Rathbun, Michelle Miscavige, Mike Rinder, Norman Starkey,
Overboarding, Ray Mithoff, Sea Org, Super Power, Tom De Vocht, Tommy Davis,
Web version:
Monday, June 22, 2009
Successful Scientology Racketeering
On June 22nd in Scientology history
Church scores round in death suit
June 22, 2001, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
ST. PETERSBURG -- The Church of Scientology won a partial victory Thursday when a judge dismissed one of four counts in a 4-year-old wrongful death lawsuit filed by the estate of Lisa McPherson.
In one of his final acts overseeing the case, Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Frank Quesada dismissed the count alleging that McPherson was falsely imprisoned.
Tags: Ben Shaw, Judge Quesada, Judge Schaeffer, Ken Dandar, Kendrick Moxon,
Lisa McPherson
Obituary: L Fletcher Prouty
June 22, 2001, Michael Carlson, Obituaries, The Guardian
In 1986, Prouty's book-length manuscript, The Role Of Intelligence In The Cold War, appeared as a series in a magazine called Freedom, published by the church of Scientology. Like other assassination critics, he found an outlet via the Liberty Lobby, a far-right organisation with ties to Holocaust deniers.
Tags: L Fletcher Prouty
Scientology in Germany: Suspicious Tutoring
June 22, 2006, Guido Kleinhubbert, Spiegel Online, Spiegel
Scientologists are taking advantage of Germany's education problems for their own ends: They are luring weak students by providing after-school tutoring. Education authorities in Germany are on alert.
Tags: Applied Scholastics, Germany
Writer: I Was Stalked by Scientologists
June 22, 2007, Jeff Bercovici, Fresh Intelligence, Radar Online
Scientology can seem more silly than scary, with its zany mythology, made-up lingo, and Tom Cruise. But it was no joke when the group's leaders set out to destroy investigative journalist Paulette Cooper's life.
Tags: Fair Game, Paulette Cooper
Death in slow motion: Part 2 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology
June 22, 2009, Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times
At a ceremony at the Fort Harrison Hotel in September 1995, Lisa McPherson was designated clear,'' meaning that through Scientology counseling, she had rid herself of all interference from troubling memories buried in her subconscious. Two months later she had a nervous breakdown. After 17 days in Scientology's care, she was dead.
Tags: Alain Kartuzinski, Amy Scobee, Angie Blankenship, Benadryl, Bernie
McCabe, David Minkoff, David Miscavige, Don Jason, Flag Service Organization,
Fort Harrison, Golden Age of Tech, International Association of
Scientologists, Introspection Rundown, Janis Johnson, Jessica Feshbach, Joan
Wood, Lisa McPherson, Mark Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Monique Yingling, Tom De
Vocht, Tommy Davis, Violence, William Walsh
Web version:
Church scores round in death suit
June 22, 2001, Robert Farley, St. Petersburg Times
ST. PETERSBURG -- The Church of Scientology won a partial victory Thursday when a judge dismissed one of four counts in a 4-year-old wrongful death lawsuit filed by the estate of Lisa McPherson.
In one of his final acts overseeing the case, Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Frank Quesada dismissed the count alleging that McPherson was falsely imprisoned.
Tags: Ben Shaw, Judge Quesada, Judge Schaeffer, Ken Dandar, Kendrick Moxon,
Lisa McPherson
Obituary: L Fletcher Prouty
June 22, 2001, Michael Carlson, Obituaries, The Guardian
In 1986, Prouty's book-length manuscript, The Role Of Intelligence In The Cold War, appeared as a series in a magazine called Freedom, published by the church of Scientology. Like other assassination critics, he found an outlet via the Liberty Lobby, a far-right organisation with ties to Holocaust deniers.
Tags: L Fletcher Prouty
Scientology in Germany: Suspicious Tutoring
June 22, 2006, Guido Kleinhubbert, Spiegel Online, Spiegel
Scientologists are taking advantage of Germany's education problems for their own ends: They are luring weak students by providing after-school tutoring. Education authorities in Germany are on alert.
Tags: Applied Scholastics, Germany
Writer: I Was Stalked by Scientologists
June 22, 2007, Jeff Bercovici, Fresh Intelligence, Radar Online
Scientology can seem more silly than scary, with its zany mythology, made-up lingo, and Tom Cruise. But it was no joke when the group's leaders set out to destroy investigative journalist Paulette Cooper's life.
Tags: Fair Game, Paulette Cooper
Death in slow motion: Part 2 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology
June 22, 2009, Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times
At a ceremony at the Fort Harrison Hotel in September 1995, Lisa McPherson was designated clear,'' meaning that through Scientology counseling, she had rid herself of all interference from troubling memories buried in her subconscious. Two months later she had a nervous breakdown. After 17 days in Scientology's care, she was dead.
Tags: Alain Kartuzinski, Amy Scobee, Angie Blankenship, Benadryl, Bernie
McCabe, David Minkoff, David Miscavige, Don Jason, Flag Service Organization,
Fort Harrison, Golden Age of Tech, International Association of
Scientologists, Introspection Rundown, Janis Johnson, Jessica Feshbach, Joan
Wood, Lisa McPherson, Mark Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Monique Yingling, Tom De
Vocht, Tommy Davis, Violence, William Walsh
Web version:
organized crime,
quack medical fraud,
Tom Cruise
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Scientology a Heavilly Armed Crime Syndicate
On June 20th in Scientology history
Unfair Game
June 20, 2001, Gale Holland, LA Weekly
It was 2:15 p.m. when Keith Henson and his friend Gregg Hagglund finished picking up contact-lens solution and shaving lotion at a suburban Toronto mall and climbed into their car. Before they could fasten their seat belts, two unmarked vans squealed up, pinning their Mazda economy sedan in from the rear and the passenger side.
A handful of emergency-services task-force officers Canada's version of a police SWAT team spilled out, wearing body armor and carrying submachine guns. As shoppers hurried into the nearby mall food-court entrance, Hagglund found himself staring down the barrel of a Glock pistol.
"You could stick your fist down one of those things," he recalled.
Tags: Canada, Fair Game, Gregg Hagglund, Keith Henson
Common sense prevails
June 20, 2004, Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle
After 13 years, Narconon, funded and staffed by the Church of Scientology, is being accused of using misleading and inaccurate information -- "rresponsible . . . pseudoscience" is what a host of medical experts are calling it.
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, California, Jack O'Connell, Narconon, San Francisco
Prosecutor: FBI Sting Stopped Arms Dealers
June 20, 2007, 1010 Wins
An indictment accused Solomonyan and others of conspiring between December 2003 and March 2005 to import shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, anti-tank guided missiles and machine guns without a license.
Tags: Artur Solomonyan
Scientology golf links off limits
June 20, 2007, Herbert Atienza, Inland News, Press-Enterprise
Golden Era Golf Course, a historic golf course owned by the Church of Scientology near San Jacinto, is closing to the public effective July 15, church officials said.
Tags: Int Base
Stars in their eyes
June 20, 2007, Tessa Mayes, Spectator
Tessa Mayes is the first reporter to have gone undercover in the London Celebrity Centre of the Church of Scientology. It is, she finds, like a pious version of Pop Idol. The adherents want to be celebrities at least as much as Scientologists
Web version:
Unfair Game
June 20, 2001, Gale Holland, LA Weekly
It was 2:15 p.m. when Keith Henson and his friend Gregg Hagglund finished picking up contact-lens solution and shaving lotion at a suburban Toronto mall and climbed into their car. Before they could fasten their seat belts, two unmarked vans squealed up, pinning their Mazda economy sedan in from the rear and the passenger side.
A handful of emergency-services task-force officers Canada's version of a police SWAT team spilled out, wearing body armor and carrying submachine guns. As shoppers hurried into the nearby mall food-court entrance, Hagglund found himself staring down the barrel of a Glock pistol.
"You could stick your fist down one of those things," he recalled.
Tags: Canada, Fair Game, Gregg Hagglund, Keith Henson
Common sense prevails
June 20, 2004, Editorial, San Francisco Chronicle
After 13 years, Narconon, funded and staffed by the Church of Scientology, is being accused of using misleading and inaccurate information -- "rresponsible . . . pseudoscience" is what a host of medical experts are calling it.
Tags: Arlene Ackerman, California, Jack O'Connell, Narconon, San Francisco
Prosecutor: FBI Sting Stopped Arms Dealers
June 20, 2007, 1010 Wins
An indictment accused Solomonyan and others of conspiring between December 2003 and March 2005 to import shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, anti-tank guided missiles and machine guns without a license.
Tags: Artur Solomonyan
Scientology golf links off limits
June 20, 2007, Herbert Atienza, Inland News, Press-Enterprise
Golden Era Golf Course, a historic golf course owned by the Church of Scientology near San Jacinto, is closing to the public effective July 15, church officials said.
Tags: Int Base
Stars in their eyes
June 20, 2007, Tessa Mayes, Spectator
Tessa Mayes is the first reporter to have gone undercover in the London Celebrity Centre of the Church of Scientology. It is, she finds, like a pious version of Pop Idol. The adherents want to be celebrities at least as much as Scientologists
Web version:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Scientology Parking garage plans fall apart
On June 19th in Scientology history
Parking garage plans fall apart
June 19, 2001, Christina Headrick, St. Petersburg Times
Negotiations involving the city, the Church of Scientology, Pinellas County and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority failed to produce a deal to make the project work. Several months of talks ended last week, after one last-ditch effort to save the project.
Tags: Clearwater, Real estate, Super Power
Lawsuit: Firm's training was front for Scientology
June 19, 2007, Business, Daily Southtown
A former employee of a Southland telecommunications company claims the company's required training included courses "designed to indoctrinate employees" in Scientology, and when she objected to the religious aspects of the training she was fired.
Margaret Warfield, of Montgomery, filed her religious discrimination lawsuit in federal court Monday against BTI Communications Group.
Tags: BTI Communications, Eric Brackett, Hubbard College, Hubbard Management
System, Margaret Warfield, WISE
Scientologists finish apartment renovation project, opens garage
June 19, 2007, Tampa Bay Business Journal
New housing is now available for members of the Church of Scientology's staff after $1.7 million in renovations were completed at Sherwood Gardens, a 106-unit apartment complex located three miles east of downtown Clearwater.
Tags: Clearwater, Real Estate
Famed short-seller Feshbach liquidating fund
June 19, 2008, Dane Hamilton, Reuters
During the 1980s, Feshbach and his two brothers, Kurt and Joe, built up a $1 billion Feshbach Brothers investment fund that specialized in short selling -- or betting on stock declines -- winning him praise and vilification on Wall Street.
Feshbach Brothers generated rich returns over 30 percent from 1982 to 1990, but later suffered a reversal of fortunes and liquidated in 1992.
Tags: Feshbach Brothers, Matt Feshbach, MLF Investments
Web version:
Parking garage plans fall apart
June 19, 2001, Christina Headrick, St. Petersburg Times
Negotiations involving the city, the Church of Scientology, Pinellas County and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority failed to produce a deal to make the project work. Several months of talks ended last week, after one last-ditch effort to save the project.
Tags: Clearwater, Real estate, Super Power
Lawsuit: Firm's training was front for Scientology
June 19, 2007, Business, Daily Southtown
A former employee of a Southland telecommunications company claims the company's required training included courses "designed to indoctrinate employees" in Scientology, and when she objected to the religious aspects of the training she was fired.
Margaret Warfield, of Montgomery, filed her religious discrimination lawsuit in federal court Monday against BTI Communications Group.
Tags: BTI Communications, Eric Brackett, Hubbard College, Hubbard Management
System, Margaret Warfield, WISE
Scientologists finish apartment renovation project, opens garage
June 19, 2007, Tampa Bay Business Journal
New housing is now available for members of the Church of Scientology's staff after $1.7 million in renovations were completed at Sherwood Gardens, a 106-unit apartment complex located three miles east of downtown Clearwater.
Tags: Clearwater, Real Estate
Famed short-seller Feshbach liquidating fund
June 19, 2008, Dane Hamilton, Reuters
During the 1980s, Feshbach and his two brothers, Kurt and Joe, built up a $1 billion Feshbach Brothers investment fund that specialized in short selling -- or betting on stock declines -- winning him praise and vilification on Wall Street.
Feshbach Brothers generated rich returns over 30 percent from 1982 to 1990, but later suffered a reversal of fortunes and liquidated in 1992.
Tags: Feshbach Brothers, Matt Feshbach, MLF Investments
Web version:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fraud: Tom Cruise Opens Rescue Workers Detox Clinic
On June 18th in Scientology history
Tom Cruise Opens Rescue Workers Detox Clinic
June 18, 2004, Margaret Whitely, Illustrated News
Cruise, working with many of the doctors involved in the project, and along with firefigher Joe Higgins, opened a facility in New York that utilizes one of the only treatments that has had a positive effect on these victims that is helping to restore them to their former lifestyle. It is a treatment devised by L. Ron Hubbard and described in the book Clean Body, Clear Mind.
Tags: Carol Hamaker, David Root, Detox, Joe Higgins, Margarita Lopez,
OsteoHealth, Steven Larger, Tom Cruise
Web version:
Tom Cruise Opens Rescue Workers Detox Clinic
June 18, 2004, Margaret Whitely, Illustrated News
Cruise, working with many of the doctors involved in the project, and along with firefigher Joe Higgins, opened a facility in New York that utilizes one of the only treatments that has had a positive effect on these victims that is helping to restore them to their former lifestyle. It is a treatment devised by L. Ron Hubbard and described in the book Clean Body, Clear Mind.
Tags: Carol Hamaker, David Root, Detox, Joe Higgins, Margarita Lopez,
OsteoHealth, Steven Larger, Tom Cruise
Web version:
Carol Hamaker,
David Root,
Joe Higgins,
Margarita Lopez,
Steven Larger,
Tom Cruise
Monday, June 15, 2009
BBC Trust expresses concern over Panorama
On June 15th in Scientology history
BBC Trust expresses concern over Panorama
June 15, 2007, Leigh Holmwood, MediaGuardian.co.uk
A BBC Trust spokeswoman said: "As part of his routine monthly report, the director general has briefed the trust on the performance of Panorama most months since its move to Monday evenings, including the reaction to some particularly high-profile editions.
"Panorama is the BBC's flagship current affairs programme and the trustees welcome these updates. The Trust has not asked for an investigation into Panorama or raised concerns with the BBC executive regarding its journalism.
Tags: John Sweeney
Web version:
BBC Trust expresses concern over Panorama
June 15, 2007, Leigh Holmwood, MediaGuardian.co.uk
A BBC Trust spokeswoman said: "As part of his routine monthly report, the director general has briefed the trust on the performance of Panorama most months since its move to Monday evenings, including the reaction to some particularly high-profile editions.
"Panorama is the BBC's flagship current affairs programme and the trustees welcome these updates. The Trust has not asked for an investigation into Panorama or raised concerns with the BBC executive regarding its journalism.
Tags: John Sweeney
Web version:
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