Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Earthlink A Scientology Company

On June 30th in Scientology history

Shadow Boxing
June 30, 1996, Robert Wright, Slate Magazine


With EarthLink preparing for its first public stock offering, this is not good publicity. On the Net, the Church of Scientology is the antichrist. It slaps lawsuits on church critics who post quotes from copyrighted church documents, sometimes getting federal marshals to search homes and seize computer disks. There's no evidence that the church currently uses extralegal weapons against online criticspries into their e-mail, say. Still, among the desirable qualities of an Internet access providerthe company whose computers all your e-mail and cyberwanderings pass through"Church of Scientology affiliated" does not rank high.

Tags: Earthlink, Sky Dayton


Baring his soul a risky business for Cruise
June 30, 2005, Reuters, New Zealand Herald


In a testy exchange on the Today show, Cruise called psychiatry a "pseudo-science" and told co-host Matt Lauer: "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do."

Cruise's behaviour has ignited speculation he might damage his image and undermine the success of his movies.


Scientology Timeline - Important dates for Scientology
June 30, 2005, ABC News



The press vs. Scientology
June 30, 2005, Joe Strupp, Salon


For anyone interested in the Church of Scientology, the May 6, 1991, issue of Time magazine remains a milestone in news coverage. For those who back the church, it ran an outrageously biased account that eventually led to a libel suit by the church -- later dismissed -- and prompted Scientology leaders to launch a counterspin that continues today.

But for many who have long questioned the church, founded by the late L. Ron Hubbard and embraced by a string of Hollywood stars, that article represents one of the genuinely aggressive reports on the organization. And their concern is that what subsequently happened to Time -- and to other publications that tried to peek behind the church's cheerful exterior -- explains why few investigative reports on the church have followed.

Tags: Cult Awareness Network, Ed Parkin, Elli Perkins, Fair Game, Gordon
Melton, IRS, Lawrence Wollersheim, Richard Behar, Stephen Kent


War of words ignites over anti-depressant use
June 30, 2005,



Church of Scientology buys a bigger home in Nashville on Nashville City Paper
June 30, 2008, Richard Lawson, Nashville City Paper


Late last Thursday, the church purchased the Fall School Business Center along Eighth Avenue South for $6 million.

The property reportedly will become the new home of the church's Celebrity Centre Nashville, which currently sits in a small house along Music Row.

The Fall School site has roughly 36,000-square-feet of space.

Tags: Celebrity Centre, Nashville, Real estate


Historic nature of Fall School justifies $6 million price tag, Scientologists say
June 30, 2008, Nashville Business Journal


The Church of Scientology Religious Trust purchased the executive suit building at 1130 Eighth Ave. S. along with adjacent properties at 1112 and 1114 Eighth Ave. S. for $6 million from Fall School Associates June 26, according to records and the Davidson County Register of Deeds.

Tags: Celebrity Centre, Church of Scientology Religious Trust, Nashville,
Real estate


Scientology's Crushing Defeat
June 30, 2008, Tony Ortega, Village Voice


Even before it started, the 1986 trial of Lawrence Wollersheim v. the Church of Scientology of California caused a mob scene at L.A.'s downtown superior court.

When a judge decided during pretrial motions that documents describing confidential Scientology beliefs should be put in a file open to the public, 1,500 Scientologists swamped the court clerk's office to keep anyone else from requesting them. The next day, the judge resealed those records. But an L.A. Times reporter managed to get past the crush of Scientologists and copy the file. Newspapers around the country had a field day with what the Times reported: the documents showed that high-level Scientologists are taught that each human contains the souls of alien creatures banished to Earth 75 million years ago by a galactic overlord named Xenu.

Tags: Applied Scholastics, Celebrity Centre, Charles OReilly, Criminon, CSC,
CSI, Dan Leipold, David Chodos, David Miscavige, Donald Alexander, Earle
Cooley, E-meter, FACTNet, Fair Game, Ford Greene, Frank Oliver, Fred
Goldberg, Freewinds, GO, Heber Jentzsch, IRS, Jason Beghe, Joseph Yanny,
Judge Hess, Lawrence Wollersheim, Legal, Leta Schlosser, Linda Hight,
Narconon, Operation Snow White, OSA, OT III, Paul Streckfus, RICO, Robert
Vaughn Young, RTC, Sea Org, SLAPP, Stephen Kent, The Way to Happiness, Tory
Christman, Xenu


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